Liebster Award and the End of Summer

…or more like the end of my summer vacation? My work has just started. That means I’ll probably have to take some time off from intensive writing at least until I get adjusted to the new rhythm. Again, I’ll try to get Tango‘s first story arc published soon. After that I think I’ll take a little break from Tango and focus on my other stories again.


Also I got a Liebster Award! From the lovely livinasimminlife, who just got one of her great, drama-filled, rich stories done. Congratulations and thank you! You can check out her award post here, and her blogs are Livin a Simmin’ Life and The Kassiopeia Fullbright Mystery Series.

And here are the rules:

  • Share the award on your blog.
  • Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog.
  • Nominate other bloggers who you feel deserve the award.
  • Answer 11 questions by your nominator and ask your nominees 11 questions.

I won’t be nominating stuff this time, but check out my other award-posts if you want to see some stories I love:
Liebster Award
Animal Award
Sunshine Blogger -Award
The Versatile Blogger -Award

And now, the questions:

  1. What is your favorite sound and why?
    The purring of a cat, because CATS! And to me it’s a sound that indicates an approval for closeness, which I think is an important thing to get approval for. Also I love the sound of wind going through plants because nature is awesome.
  2. If you could travel and live anywhere else in the world, where would you go?
    Probably Ireland. I’m still thinking of it as a second home after just a five-month exchange study period.
  3. Who is your role model?
    Hmm… not sure. I feel like I take inspiration from a lot of people around me and farther away. I’d say people who find ways to be happy without taking happiness away from others, and who help others be happy too. And people who dare to be themselves.
  4. When was your last celebration in the Sims and what was it?
    Um… I’m kind of celebrating the fact that I’m almost done with Tango’s first story arc, but gameplay-wise… I can’t even remember. Probably a birthday party for someone.
  5. What about the Sims compels you to write stories?
    I love the possibilities of the game, and how different kinds of people can find their own ways to express themselves through it. I also love that the possibilities are not infinite and the game can be unexpected, so one has to resort to creative thinking if one wants to screenshot a heavily story-driven story, or creatively study and interpret the events of the game in more game-drive stories.
  6. If you could create a world in the Sims, what type of world would it be or what city would you model it after?
    I love Barcelona… I think a fan has already made a Barcelona-world, and that’s really cool.
  7. Who’s your favorite townie or premade and why?
    Hmm… I like reading about townies and premades more than playing them, though lately I’ve started to incorporate them into my games a bit more. Through the stories I’ve read, I’ve really become fascinated with the Rackets because of how interestingly the writers interpret their messed up family dynamics and dodgy morals.
  8. What gets you out of bed in the morning?
    The knowledge that I’ll soon get breakfast and tea!
  9. What is your hidden talent?
    Listening. Not sure if it’s that hidden, though.
  10. If you were a Sim, what would be some of the things you would do?
    I would paint, draw, write, practise martial arts, and explore the neighbourhoods! Also for some wish-fulfillment, I’d get a garden. And a house.
  11. What question would you really like someone to ask you and what would your answer be?
    I love it if a person wonders about some random or not so random philosophical-ish thing out loud, and then we could try to ponder the answers together.

That’s it for now. Have a lovely time you guys!

Unique and Versatile

…are words that make for a very pompous-sounding title for a post. :/ But it just means that The Chrysanthemum Tango got more nominations for both the Versatile Blogger Award (my original post here) and the Unique Blogger Award (original post here). I’m so honoured!

This time the nomination came from the amazing Twiggy, whose stories and builds can be found HERE. Thank you so much, Twiggy!

Also Twiggy’s award posts are here: Versatile and Unique. Do check them out too and find other awesome nominees!

So, since Versatile required me to share some random facts, I figured I’d try to come up with more random facts for this post. So here we go:

1. My Sims-forums/Wordpress name, RipuAncestor, is a combination of two nicknames my friends gave me when I was fifteen. Ripu is a shortened/cute version of my real first name, and some of my friends still call me that. And Ancestor is a translation of Esi-isä, which I was called because I was the oldest and “wisest” in our group of friends. 🙂

2. My favourite game genres are stealth games and Western RPGs (…in which I almost always play stealthy characters if the option is given). Also, if games give me the option to play non-lethally, I very often choose to do so.

3. I got interested in drawing and other visual arts when I was very young, so my parents enrolled me in some evening art classes for kids when I was five. Apparently back then that art school had a two-day entrance exam, which I weirdly enough have absolutely no memory of. I must have passed, though, since going to that art school was one of my hobbies for over a decade.

4. I have Raynaud’s disease, which simply means that my fingers or toes can turn completely white and lose all feeling in colder temperatures. It’s not dangerous, merely annoying. Hey, this did ask for random facts. 😀

5. One of my hobbies is rollerblading, but I often forget to mention it if someone asks what my hobbies are. That may be because the rollerblading season here is quite short, so I could say that it’s my hobby only during the summer.

6. I have a tendency to name everyday objects that I like or use a lot (and yes, this probably became apparent in my previous Versatile Award -post too :D). For example, my current laptop is named Leonard and my cell phone is Walter.

7. When I started writing more in English, I used to alternate between American and British spelling (between pieces of writing, not in a single story). But during my exchange studies in Ireland, my English spelling quite naturally settled for British… though there might still be times when I accidentally mix some minor things up about that.

And here are the questions for the Unique Blogger Award:

  1. When did you find out about simlit and what did this discovery do to you?
    I don’t remember exactly, but I was in my teens. I think around 16 years old, maybe? So that means I’ve known about SimLit for around a decade now. And I was very excited to find them! I’d always had a story-driven approach to my Sims-playing, and now I realised that there was a whole community of these people! I was inspired right away to try my hand in creating my own Sims story.
  2. When and where do you find the inspiration to write simlit?
    Anywhere. Like with all of my writing, really. I can never tell in advance when the ideas strike or where they come from. The game is a good source of inspiration, as is talking to other people (mostly other SimLit authors). And of course, reading and other media give me plenty of ideas too.
  3. How important is the use of custom content in your game and stories to you and why is this?
    I use quite a bit of CC. Mostly clothes and hair, but I started downloading furniture and poses too when I started my TS3 -writing. For me, CC gives its own flavour and helps me make the game more suited for me and stage things that would otherwise be impossible or very difficult to do in-game. I try to get my CC to match the Maxis-made stuff as well as possible, though, and I don’t want to rely too much on CC.

Well, that’s it for now. I hope you all are doing well. I should really start doing my daily NaNo-writing now… so bye!

Unique Blogger Award


I was nominated for this award by the amazing, lovely CathyTea, who writes SO MANY great, insightful, and joy-inspiring stories that I’m sure anyone can find something they like from her CathyTea’s Simlit Anthology! Check out her blog, and her award-post to see some other nominees too!

And Tango was also nominated by the amazing livinasimminlife, whose rich, detailed worlds, great drama, and likable and intriguing characters make for awesome stories certainly worth the read. You can check out her award post here, and her blogs are Livin a Simmin’ Life and The Kassiopeia Fullbright Mystery Series.

Thank you so much, Cathy and livinasimminlife! I’m honoured!

And the rules for this award are:

  1. Share the link of the blogger who has shown love to you by nominating you.
  2. Answer the questions.
  3. In the spirit of sharing love and solidarity with our blogging family, nominate  8-13 people for the same award.
  4. Ask them 3 questions.

So then, the questions:

By CathyTea:

  1. What are you grateful for at this moment?
    Of the good moments that make life worth living for everyone. Of nature and the wonders it holds. Of the kind of culture and art that shows how wonderful humans are. Of the wonderful people I’ve had and have the fortune to know and to be friends/family/loved ones with. Of the fact that I’m lucky enough to live in such a nice place. And of my mostly good health and the fact that I’ve already experienced so many things, and that I (hopefully) have time to experience so much more.
  2. What’s one of the greatest challenges you’ve faced with your writing?
    Hmm… there have been, and still are many challenges, but I’m going to say that one of the most challenging things has been actually getting my writing out for anyone to see. It has taken a lot of courage, a lot of struggling with thoughts that my writing isn’t good enough for people to see, and just a lot of getting out of my comfort zone in general. Even now, after way over a year of blogging, I still feel anxious and scared whenever I post a chapter.
  3. In your experience, what’s one of the most rewarding aspects of writing?
    Getting ideas out and the feeling of personal accomplishment. The feelings and thoughts that writing can inspire in both the writer and reader. The fact that through stories one can interact with so many people, even thought one isn’t going to even meet most of those people. And I also love the discussions that writing can inspire, and the friendships and loves that can be born through it.

By livinasimminlife:

  1. What is your favorite Sims game moment of all time?
    Woow, nooo idea. I’ve been a simmer for so long I can’t remember… no, wait! I got one! The moment I realised that SimLit was a thing (back in my TS2-days). That made the game open up to me in a whole new way – and I’d loved it even before that!
  2. How would you describe your writing style and process?
    My process is kind of all over the place. Sometimes I plan and write things down, other times I just play with ideas in my head. Sometimes I hold long conversations between my characters while I’m sitting in a sauna (or somewhere else, but the sauna is the best place for that in my opinion). Sometimes I draw pictures to get the creativity flowing. And then I just write. Then I edit. And edit again. Then I write some more and edit while writing.
    My writing style is at least trying to be somewhat whimsical and occasionally meandering. I focus a lot on the inner landscapes and thoughts of the characters as well as natural – though sometimes weird – dialogue. I usually write what I see in my head and then try to put it into words that flow well and look nice. If I can add in a creative or clever metaphor, simile or some other spices, I’m happy.
  3. Who or what inspires/motivates you to write SimLit or write in general?
    I think my love for writing started out from just the desire to create and to get these ideas out of my head – I’ve liked coming up with stories for as long as I can remember. I love the possibilities words hold, and I love playing with language and thinking up stories and maybe even sharing them with someone. As for who inspires me, well, my favourite writers and their amazing work, of course (Terry Pratchett, Neil Gaiman, and Don Rosa first come to mind). The other SimLit authors inspire me a lot as well with their amazing stories, their hard work, and their creative uses of the game. As does the lovely, inviting community that has been built around SimLit.

And then, my nominees, which there aren’t enough to fill the 8-13, but I do have four more reads I’d like to give a shout-out to:

Angel in the Darkness by Marialein – This is an Ambrosia Challenge -based story with quite dark twists, intriguing plot, complex characters and plenty of emotional moments that make this definitely worth checking out!

Dear Bully by eowynstarr – This is a very touching and believable story about a bullied girl and her struggles in life. It’s very well-written and tackles what I feel is a very important and tough subject gracefully.

Orphan Challenge: Harkins Family by cshaner – A story about orphaned sisters trying to survive and build a new home. That alone is an interesting premise with lots of potential for drama and emotional moments, and this story definitely delivers on all of that! The characters are likable, and the drama that has been unfolding especially in the more recent chapters has been great!

The Benders by friendsfan36 – A story about a dysfunctional yet loving family. friendsfan has a great sense of timing and comedy. The story has shifted from more light-hearted and fun into very emotional drama while still keeping the good heart and great timing. Both the story and the development of the characters and writing have been a delight to follow.

And then my questions to these awesome people:
1. What has been your favourite writing-related moment? 
2. Where do you find peace?
3. What are your strengths as a writer, in your opinion?

Also check out my other award-posts if you want to see more stories I love.
Liebster Award
Animal Award
Sunshine Blogger -Award
The Versatile Blogger -Award

Maybe someday I’ll start re-nominating the ones I’ve already nominated instead of lazily linking to my previous posts… :/

Anyway, have a lovely day!

The Versatile Blogger Award


Hello! I was happy to hear that my story was nominated for this award! Tango was nominated by the lovely socallucyfan from Once Upon a Legacy (Award-post HERE). If you people are looking for a new legacy -story to read and haven’t checked out socallucyfan’s one, then that might just be what you’re looking for! It was also nominated by the amazing velikosmijanje (award-post HERE), whose blog, vsims3contains, among other things, a story about a whole different Sunset Valley! Thank you so much, socallucyfan and velikosmijanje!

I posted my award-post on the Fey of Life -blog, since that one was also nominated. You can check the post by clicking HERE.

Well, I’ll try to get a new chapter out soon. It’s in the last stages of editing so it should be done in no time!

Some last Rays of Sunshine this Summer

…because my summer break will be officially over in just a couple of days. On the other hand, it’ll be nice to return to studying because at least then I have something regular to do. But on the other my studies keep me away from my hometown and my friends and loved ones and some of my very beloved hobbies for the majority of the time. So yeah, not all great. But anyway, the point of this post is that I was nominated once more for the Sunshine Blogger Award by the awesome livinasimminlife (award post here)! Check out her richly built world and intriguing, well-written stories if you haven’t already:
Kassiopeia Fullbright Mystery Series
Livin’ a Simmin’ Life -blog


The rules of the award:

  • Thank the person who nominated you and add a link to their blog.
  • Answer the 11 questions sent by the person who nominated you.
  • Nominate 11 bloggers and add their links.
  • Notify the bloggers you include.
  • Keep the rules in your post.

Here’s my original Sunshine post, so check that out for my nominees and my questions!

And now onto the answers:

  1. If you were going to live forever, how would you spend your life?
    Probably travel around and frequently change my identity so nobody would figure out my secret. Or then I’d start a private dojo somewhere in the depths of some forest and become a crazy yet cool martial arts master. 😀 I think eventually I’d just get really, really bored and lonely. I’d probably become that anyway, unless some of my loved ones or friends could live forever too.
  2. What’s your favorite TS3 supernatural and why?
    Hmm… I’m actually not that interested in playing with the supernaturals, though writing Tango has made me appreciate them a lot more. I’m gonna say fairies, because I like how they fly around and because I just really like fairies in general. Also their wings are nice.
  3. Who is your favorite SimLit couple and why? I don’t know… I really like the very interesting and sometimes dysfunctional but still loving couples from Trip and rednenemon’s stories (Eight Cicadas, The Racket-Rotter Chronicles).
  4. What’s your favorite Sims world and why?
    I’ve really fallen in love with Riverview. It reminds me of home and I like this small countryside town aesthetic. Though I really, really like Twinbrook too because swamps for the win! And Bridgeport has its charm with its big city theme and the different feel it has compared to almost any other town. I also think Roaring Heights and Monte Vista look really nice, but I haven’t played them because I don’t want to buy the store worlds.
  5. If you could travel through space, what would be your vessel of choice?
    The Normandy SR-2 from the Mass Effect -series. Provided it came with the awesome and lovable crew of Mass Effect 2.
  6. What is currently on your reading list?
    I should finish Syötäväksi kasvatetut by Elina Lappalainen, which is a non-fiction book about meat-production in Finland. I’m also in the middle of reading the first book in the Witcher -series by Andrzej Sapkowski, AND I should also read the last three Sandman comics by Neil Gaiman. After that I think I’m going to continue with both the aforementioned Witcher -series, and a detective series by Kristina Ohlsson. And then… well, we’ll see what I’ll feel like. I’ll probably soon also read The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck by Don Rosa for the (roughly estimated :D) hundredth time again because I love it soooooo much.
  7. Do you listen to music when you write SimLit, and if so, what?
    Yes. Depends on what I’m writing and if I want a specific feel to it. If I don’t have anything specific in mind, I’ll just listen to something by Porcupine Tree or Steven Wilson, or possibly Apulanta or something from Silent Hill -soundtracks. Lately I’ve also been listening to a lot of The Pineapple Thief, while writing.
  8. What SimLit character do you find most inspirational? So many. I think that, for example, CathyTea’s stories seem to have whole worlds full of inspirational characters, with very nice, loving attitudes towards life and so much positive energy despite a lot of them facing hardships. On the other hand, I’m also inspired by people living with darker thoughts and lifestyles and still finding moments of happiness and compassion, like in Trip and rednenemon’s stories (again). I especially find rednenemon’s take on Dennis Racket inspiring in this way. livinasimminlife’s Kass, Davis, and Gage are also very inspiring with how real they seem to be, and how they all have their own hardships and flaws but they still find ways to get through life. But, like I said, there are so many inspirational Sims I can’t really pick one.
  9. What culture would you like to learn more about and why?
    Any culture, because I love cultures and I love finding out more about them. But I’ve got a special interest in the Mayan and Irish cultures. Not sure why those, but they just interest me a lot. The languages and the stories about them definitely have something to do with that. I also want to learn more about old Japanese culture mostly because it’s closely connected to karate, which is one of my beloved hobbies/lifestyles. Also I’d like to learn more about the old Finnish culture because it’s interesting, and it’s fun to know the roots of one’s own people. And connected to that, old (and also modern) Scandinavian and Slavic cultures because of their close connection to Finnish culture, plus their really interesting history and lifestyles! And shamans!
  10. What was your happiest/saddest/sappiest Sims game moment?
    I remember that when I was a younger, more materialistic kid, I’d love those moments when I got a new expansion pack. It wasn’t just because yay, new stuff, but because there was just so much excitement in that moment when I’d look at the game that was still in its packaging, and wonder what it would hold. Gameplay-wise… I don’t remember. I have many happy moments. Usually I just get happy for my Sims whenever they get over a more difficult moment.
    Probably the first time a Sim died, though I don’t remember it well. I think I managed not to permanently kill Sims in TS1, but during TS2, I started to accept my Sims dying, even though it was still sad.
    I remember back in TS2, when I wanted to have a couple go on a perfect date, so to score points in it or whatever it was that TS2 was counting to rank the success level of the date, I made them be so sappily romantic all the time that I think a part of my brain was caramelised from just watching it. The couple even got engaged via a romantic proposal over dinner, even though it was only their first or second date! But hey, the game said the date was awesome so… win?
  11. What’s the hardest thing about writing SimLit and how do you get past it?Writer’s block and the moments when I think my story sucks and should be burned. Though that happens with anything I write or otherwise create. I get over it by taking a step back and maybe rereading things with a slightly different mindset and then maybe do some edits that are needed, or then just find some good things about my writing. Otherwise I have to say that I am occasionally pretty nervous about communicating with people through my blog or the forums. I’m a bit nervous about communicating in general, though, sometimes.

Have a lovely time, people. I’ll try to be back soon with an update!

The Sunshine Blogger Award

Oh, wooooow, both of my blogs were awarded for the Sunshine Blogger Award by thewindsorlegacy! You can check the award-post here. And the next day after that happened, The Fey of Life was also nominated by blamsart (award post), and The Chrysanthemum Tango was nominated by violincat (award post)! Thank you so much, you all. You’re amazing!

I figured that since I posted my last award-post to The Fey of Life -side of things, this time I’d put the post here for balance’s sake. Anyway, I’m so happy and honoured and I should probably see what I have to do now. Okay, here goes:


Both this award’s name and that pic inspire happy thoughts, and it feels like summer and happiness. Not sure if my stories are about summer and happiness, but I’m so glad to hear that they at least make some people happy!

What is the Sunshine Blogger Award?

Well, it is of course an award for bloggers from other bloggers. It is a beautiful way to share all the amazing things other bloggers do and write about. To recognize their efforts in inspiring others to do what they love.

The Rules:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you and add a link to their blog.
  2. Answer the 11 questions sent by the person who nominated you.
  3. Nominate 11 bloggers and add their links.
  4. Notify the bloggers you included.
  5. Keep the rules in your post.

And here are the questions I was asked by thewindsorlegacy:

  1. Would you rather fight a hundred goose-sized elephants or a goose the size of an elephant?
    A goose the size of an elephant. Because a hundred anything vs. one would definitely drop my odds of winning. Though I’d rather not fight any animals.
  2. Shuffle your songs on your phone/computer/whatever — what’s the first song that pops up?
    I don’t have playlists (my songs are mixed into my fiancé’s playlist), but if I did, it’s very likely that most of the songs on it would be by Porcupine Tree or Steven Wilson. So one of those, maybe.
  3. If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you want to be?
    I’m happy here, at home. Though I’d love to visit Ireland again. It’s like my other home, even though I only lived there for a five-month exchange study -period.
  4. Savory or sweet?
  5. What made you create your blog?
    My love for Sims stories and storytelling in general. And nostalgia because I have such fond memories of my TS2 -storytelling days.
  6. What do you do when you want to relax?
    Go for a walk in the forest, or draw, write, read, meditate, or bike. Or just sit down with a nice cup of tea and some reading or a video I can watch. Or, of course, go to a sauna.
  7. What never fails to make you laugh?
    My fiancé being silly. Also cute animals being silly.
  8. Do you prefer living in a city or in a rural area? Or somewhere in-between?
    In-between. A small or medium-sized town near a rural area is nice.
  9. If you could live in any fictional universe, which would you choose and why?
    This is really a tough one. I’m going to go for nostalgia and say the Disney Ducks -comics universe (as written by Carl Barks and Don Rosa – so not DuckTales). As for why, well, it’s basically like real world but with funny animals, all the myths basically true, and an awesome, rich duck from Scotland owning most of the world.
  10. If you could domesticate any animal and have it (safely) be your pet, which would you choose?
    A fox or a lynx… ooh, or a dragon!
  11. What is your favorite word?
    I really like most of the Finnish nature words, especially ones that describe wintry things. Out of them all I’m going to say hankiainen is probably my favourite at this moment. It means the phenomenon when the snow can hold a person’s weight (while usually still being rather fluffy underneath a layer of hard snow). In English I just realised I really liked the word serendipity. It’s cute and fancy at the same time. In Swedish I love kramsnö, which means sticky snow, but could literally be translated as “hug snow”. I could go on, but I guess those will do.

Questions from blamsart:

  1. Fav song! Right now! I want to discover more😀
    Sooo many… but I’m gonna say Drive Home or Ancestral by Steven Wilson (and sooo many of his other songs too).
  2. How’d you come up with the title/last name of your story?
    For Fey, it was a pun on “the way of life”. For Tango, it was just a random thing. Something about flowers and dancing and beds of roses. And because the word chrysanthemum just stuck somehow.
  3. How much space does sims storytelling take up in your life?
    Right now quite a lot, mostly because I’m a student without a steady summer job, so I have a lot of free time. It’ll change a bit once university starts again.
  4. Are you sometimes afraid your next hiatus could be your last?
    Maybe? Though I’m very stubborn to finish my stories. I think I’m more worried that I’ll eventually reach a point where I’ve written myself into a corner and just can’t figure out how to gracefully end the story.
  5. Favorite type of romance to write?
    Platonic. 😀 Does that count? If it doesn’t, well, I’m not a fan of writing romance, but if I do, it’s slow-building and consists of lots of talking.
  6. Any deep dark fears? Like afraid of lightning or water?
    I have mild claustrophobia. As in I feel very uncomfortable with just the thought of being stuck in a space so small that I wouldn’t have room to properly move. Also being outside during a thunderstorm makes me really uneasy.
  7. Are you the type to run away from danger or towards it?
    I consider myself a reasonable person with a healthy sense of self-preservation. So I guess it depends on the danger.
  8. Do you have any characters that represent who you want to be? Or wanted to be at some point?
    Any non-biological character I’ve ever written, in a way. Sometimes I’d just want to be a spirit of some kind. Or some forest-dwelling pixie-thing. Also any cat character I’ve ever written too.
  9. Take one of your characters. Pick randomly! Got them? Okay drop them in a pit of snakes (venom or not? no one knows). What’s their reaction?
    I asked my fiancé to randomly pick a character, and he picked Vanja, so:
    Vanja Leifsdóttir: Oh, good, these make for excellent potions! *zap* –> Dead snakes.
  10. Have you ever watched a movie and gone – “oh that gives me a really great idea for my story…”. If the answer was YES, what movie? And what idea?:)
    When I watched Det Sjunde Inseglet (The Seventh Seal), I was like: “Yes! I want to feature the danse macabre in Tango at some point!” And I did! I’m sure there are other moments like this too.
  11. The ultimate question…Patch 1.67 or 1.69? Did you feel the disturbance?
    Yes. I feel the disturbance, but I’m also too lazy to change back to 1.67.

Questions by violincat:

  1. Do you have any favorite characters in your own stories? Who?
    I love all of my characters in some ways, but I have to say that Tad has an extra special place in my heart. He’s usually very easy to write, and sometimes he helps me think about things in new perspectives.
  2. What are your favorite genres to read or watch?
    Fantasy, especially urban fantasy. Murder mysteries. Dark comedy. Scifi.
  3. Which fictional character do you wish you could be real life friends with?
    Death from Discworld. Also Nick Valentine from Fallout 4.
  4. Would you rather land the perfect job or find true love?
    Well, right now I’m very happy with the person I’m sharing my life with, so I’m gonna say perfect job.
  5. Do you cook or bake? If not, would you want to learn how to?
    I cook and bake. Sometimes it’s fun, and sometimes it’s a chore. Thankfully my fiancé also cooks and bakes so we take turns.
  6. What is your dream career?
    Teaching art to kids (not in school) and doing my own creative work on the side.
  7. What is the one thing you absolutely can’t live without?
    Food. Water. Oxygen… Okay, but less obviously, art (be it visual arts, writing or whatever).
  8. Which country do you most want to visit?
    Right now I really want to go back to Ireland at least for a short visit. I’d also really like to visit Iceland. And Australia and USA would be interesting too.
  9. Are you a day or a night person?
    I like evenings the most.
  10. Would you want to become famous?
    No. I wouldn’t mind getting a book published or some art into an exhibition or a gallery someday, but I’d rather not become famous.
  11. What do you like the most about gaming?
    The interactivity and the extra dimension of immersion it can bring. Also good stories and characters, but I like those in any medium.

And then to the next part… uh… So right now I really have to say that there aren’t enough blogs that I’m following here that I wouldn’t have already nominated on my other two award-posts, so uh… maybe go check them out? I mean, I think the blogs I’ve nominated before are so awesome and great that they deserve heaps of awards! So here’s my Liebster Award -post and my Animal Award -post, where I say nice things about the blogs I’d nominate all over again!

AND I do have a few new finds for awesome reads that I’d like to nominate right now (in alphabetical order):

The Chains of Lyra by Trip – This story is a pretty new one, but it’s already very intriguing with its scifi-premise, with its connection to Trip’s other awesome story Eight Cicadas, and with Trip’s great writing.

The Last 100 Years by JLBDreams16 – Another new story, but it’s also already looking so promising. It has a Korean mythology -inspired setting that had me hooked from the start, and a very nice theme of balancing between past and the present, tradition and change, and experiencing new cultures and also holding onto one’s roots.

The Racket-Rotter Chronicles by Senna – This is a dark, delightfully twisted story set in the Sims 3 world. Great characters, humorous moments, and a good heap of heartwarming blended together with the dark, intense themes and events into a truly great mix. Note: This story is definitely intended for mature audiences.

And here are some questions anyone who feels like answering can answer:

  1. What are your greatest blogging-related moments or memories?
  2. What is the nicest place you have ever visited?
  3. What are your greatest positive qualities?
  4. Why do you write? What are the things you like the most about writing?
  5. What do you do when it’s raining outside?
  6. Favourite drink?
  7. Pet peeves?
  8. Which superpower would you like to have?
  9. Which foreign language sounds especially nice in your opinion?
  10. Do any of the characters you write have a specific voice that you hear whenever you write their lines?
  11. What are some of the little things in life that make you happy?

Have a lovely day, everyone!

Chapter 15: Light Side, Grey Side

Tad was nervous. Amelia saw it in the slightly rigid way he walked across the Grisbys’ huge front yard and the way his eyes stayed unfocused. Amelia assumed he was somewhere else mostly to not let his shyness take over and make him back away from this now. Not that he would, Amelia was sure. He had been very determined to see Emily again and to make sure she had a good family now. Amelia was sure that Tad had nothing to worry about, but she was also glad to get him to socialise without her specifically asking him to. So when three weeks had passed after the funeral and the Grisbys had finally deemed things ready enough for visitors, Amelia had been ecstatic.

The Grisbys lived in the wealthier part of Riverview, in a very impressive mansion-like house. Amelia had met the Grisbys several times, and she could count herself as a friendly acquaintance of them. She knew that the Grisbys’ wealth was a bit newer and less tied to the land than the money of the old farmer families. That also meant that it was a bit more stable and less likely to die along with the town. Amelia also knew that Walter Grisby worked in politics and was trying his best to keep the town alive and well and to do good in general. It was certainly an admirable goal. Yvette Grisby worked as a chef at a cosy restaurant that served mostly local, nicely rustic food. The family had one biological child and two other foster children, as far as Amelia knew. So all in all, the Grisbys seemed like an ideal family for a little orphan girl. Amelia smiled confidently.

“See, isn’t this nice?” she said and spread her arms to encompass the yard and the house, “I’m sure this a great place for Emily.”

Tad finally returned to the present time and place. He didn’t smile, but he nodded cautiously.

“I suppose…”

“And I’m so glad you want to meet them! It’ll be good for you!”

“So you have told me,” Tad paused and then managed one of his faint smiles, “I am quite looking forward to this.”

Amelia clapped her hands in excitement.

As they were taking their last steps to reach the front porch, the door opened and the sunny face of Yvette Grisby peeked out. She stepped to the porch and waved. Behind her stood Emily, who clung to Yvette’s leg until she noticed who was coming.

Her little face scrunched up into a smile, and she let out a small, birdlike chirp.

“That’s right!” Yvette laughed, “I told you they’d be here! Go on, say hello!”

Emily hesitated only for a moment, and then she let go of Yvette’s leg and stumbled towards Tad, whose face was again frozen into perplexed delight.

“Careful, now!” Yvette said, “Watch out for the stairs, Emily!”

Emily was still in that awkward phase when walking was mostly just a constant state of falling occasionally stopped by a step. To be fair, many adults were still in that state too. She reached the first step of the stairs and didn’t slow down enough.

Her fall was stopped this time by a pair of spidery, gloved hands that lifted her up into the air. Emily chirped again. Tad had forgotten to breathe, but at least he had enough incentive to say a quiet:


Yvette laughed.

“She really likes you, Mr. Dustpine! When I told her you’d be coming to visit, she was so excited.”

Amelia beamed at the sight.

“Aaww, she’s so precious!”

“That she is,” Yvette said, “Now, do come in. We can show you the house and Emily’s new room. Our daughter Laurel has been our head interior designer, and she’s been so excited to have a little sister. But I’m getting ahead of myself. Come on in!”

The Grisbys’ home was decorated with very good taste and harmonious colours. The harmony was only occasionally spiced up by a stray, colourful children’s toy. Yvette introduced Tad to her husband Walter and their teenage daughter Laurel, and then asked them to sit in the living room for a while. Tad reluctantly put Emily down, and she hesitated for a moment again before she scrambled towards a toy chest in the corner of the living room.

“Now then,” said Walter, whose smile mirrored his wife’s, “It’s really nice to talk to you two without any social workers taking our time.”

“Not that they don’t do an excellent job,” Yvette added, “But it’s all very official with them. They were also rather apprehensive of you, though I can’t imagine why. They told you that you were, after all, the ones who found Emily after the tragic event of… well, what happened to poor Miss Sato.”

Amelia glanced at Tad, who after a couple of courteous comments about the house had mostly just been silently surveying his surroundings. His lime green jeans made him stand out like a lava lamp in an art nouveau house.

“Yeah, Tad found her, actually,” Amelia said, “He brought her to our place. Emily was quite attached to Tad right away.”

“I can imagine,” Yvette smiled, “She’s starting to like us too quite a lot. Now that things are settling down again, she’s slowly coming out of her shell.”

She looked fondly at Emily, who had settled closer to them after finding a stuffed yeti she was now quietly playing with. A boy around the age of seven had snuck in to play with her. When Amelia turned to look at them, the boy immediately looked away. Yvette noticed it.

“Don’t worry about Mihael. He’s usually a bit wary around strangers. He’s very good at sneaking around too. And he’s been getting along with Emily pretty well. Isn’t that right, Miha?”

The boy named Mihael nodded and smiled at the rocket ship in his hands. Yvette beamed at the children.

“We’re so pleased to see that Emily’s finding her place in our family.”

“So she really has been… adjusting well?” Tad dared to ask after clearly searching for the right words for a moment.

“Mostly, yes,” Walter said, “Some doctors and therapists have taken a look at her, and given us some instructions for properly raising her. Now she’s getting used to this slowly but steadily. It’s nothing new to us, really.”

“Right, you have been doing this foster parenting before, right?” Amelia said.

“Yes, though after we decided to adopt Miha and Harper – she’s in her room now. She isn’t always up to meeting strangers – we had to stop that because the house was getting full,” Yvette explained, “We’re in the process of getting the paperwork for adopting Emily in order too, though. There’s no need to keep her without a steady home.”

Amelia nodded.

“Well, I’m glad to hear there’ve been no problems.”

Laurel, who had been quiet so far, spoke up:

“You should know, though, that she doesn’t talk yet.”

“Really?” Amelia asked. Now that she thought about it, she had never heard Emily talk. But she had just thought it was because of the trauma and confusion.

“Oh, she can speak quite a few words,” Walter said, “And we’re working on that with the help of a speech therapist. It’s selective mutism combined with delayed vocabulary development. Just so you know so you won’t make her too anxious or get too worried if she doesn’t answer you.”

“We have taught her some gestures and very simple keyword signing already,” Laurel explained excitedly, “We can teach you too so she can communicate with you until she can get to the whole talking business!”

“SimNation’s standard signs?” Tad asked quietly.

“Yup!” Laurel said, “Do you know some?”

“Yes,” Tad said, and then he raised his hands and moved them in a few deliberate movements. It was graceful and careful, and Laurel clapped her hands in delight.

“So cool! You can do grammar and everything! I only know some basics. What other languages do you know?”

“Um…” Tad looked rather uncomfortable at the attention he was suddenly getting, “Several?”


“I think you’re getting another fan,” Yvette smiled at Tad, “And if Harper ever wants to meet you, I’m sure she’ll like you too.”

“Um… thank… you?”

Walter laughed.

“Now, let’s not make our guests uncomfortable. What do you say we show you Emily’s room? She really likes it.”

The upstairs of the house was much less elegant, but it was no less cosy. An easel with paint-sprinkled surroundings was the first thing Amelia saw. The wooden panelling was warm and reminded Amelia of home. Walter carried Emily upstairs and led his guests towards what was presumably Emily’s room, but before he had time to open its door, another door opened and a girl with long, black and blue hair peeked through.

“Are they gone yet… oh,” the girl trailed off when she saw that no, the guests were still right there. She froze into an uncertain silence. Despite the girl’s large glasses, Amelia noticed some rather prominent scars on her face. Walter smiled at her.

“Hey, Harper. You sure you don’t want to say hello to Amelia and Tad? They’ll no doubt visit again.”

The girl named Harper fidgeted in the doorway, and then accidentally made eye contact with Tad. She immediately smiled.

“Man, your eyes are so cool!”

Tad looked at Amelia helplessly.

“What is happening?” he whispered.

“I’d say the Grisbys were right about you having fans,” Amelia whispered back.

“I… I do not know how to deal with this.”

“Just play along. You wanted positive attention, right?”

Walter was smiling.

“Oh, don’t let the girls make you too uncomfortable, Tad. I used to be pretty shy back when I was younger too. But I got better. A good sense of humour helps with getting over anything.”

“Well, then there might be a problem,” Tad mused, “For I do not have a sense of humour.”

Walter chuckled.

“Good one! Now, Harper, do you want the honours of showing them Emily’s room?”

Harper pursed her lips.

“Um… it’s right there, isn’t it? Can’t Laurel gush about it instead of me?”

“Laurel’s helping Yvette get our guests something to eat.”

“Uh, yeah, sorry, but no, I’ve got some photos I need to edit,” Harper said and then glanced at Tad again, “But yeah, really cool eyes. It’s like I can’t even look at them for long.”

“Most people cannot.”

Harper smiled uncertainly, and then disappeared back into her room. Walter adjusted Emily on his hip.

“She can be a bit blunt,” he said, “But she’s an amazing young person. A great photographer, with great insight into things. Now, shall we go? Laurel’s really proud of the room. She’s our artist. Though Harper helped too. The girls do almost everything together.”

The room was very pretty, in Amelia’s cute and colourful -oriented opinion at least. The dominant colours were peach and light blue. An assortment of toys was arranged around a lovely vintage bed, and a bunch of cute animals smiled from the walls. Walter put Emily down, and she immediately grabbed Tad’s hand and led him further into the room, where she proceeded to silently present some of her stuffed animals to him.

Amelia leaned to the doorframe and crossed her arms. Behind her, Walter chuckled good-naturedly.

“I guess we’ll have to be prepared to start calling him Uncle Tad soon,” he said only half-jokingly.

Tad’s eyes widened in shock, and he didn’t seem to be able to decide which emotion to put on his face. If Amelia hadn’t been able to identify so well with the feeling of too many new experiences at once in an unfamiliar world, she would have found it hilariously adorable.

Okay, so maybe it was still a bit adorable.

And after that meeting, the small and adorable moments became rather frequent in Amelia’s life and Tad’s existence. In fact, this whole story could easily be turned into sweet anecdotes about the most of the time smooth and loving family life of the Grisbys, and of Tad and Amelia’s visits there.

This story could also detail how Emily loved to play in Tad’s garden whenever the Grisbys visited the Spriggs’ house. And maybe this story could be about how Death discovered true happiness through being the cool, eccentric uncle to one lost and now almost found little girl.

But life didn’t quite work like that. It had its ups and downs, and even though the family life of the Grisbys and the visits to the Sprigg house were indeed very pleasant, it wasn’t all that the road to happiness or self-discovery contained.

And while things went smoothly in one place, all hell was breaking loose in hundreds of others. Such was how things went. And for the purposes of this story, one specific place where hell was about to break loose, or at least rattle its cage, should be focused on again.

That place was Novak Sanguine’s small apartment in Bridgeport.

Novak Sanguine had got used to living ready to bolt at any second. He kept his most distinguishable physical features something he could easily change or hide, and he didn’t bother owning or unpacking lots of things. All he really needed was his freedom, some work, clothes, a place to sleep, and his electronics. And maybe a pinch of magic every now and then. Over the years he had created a nice, smoothly functioning system out of his lifestyle and work. And really, having a small rented apartment he didn’t bother furnishing aside from some wall-coverings was way better than living on the streets and dumpster diving all of his food instead of just some of it.

He was sure that with enough planning and organisation he could survive pretty much anything, and he had indeed survived plenty in his life already. Really, it was no big deal.

That was why it was also easy for him to convince himself that constant stress and having to sleep with his shoes on again wasn’t a big deal either.

One could have thought that the deal he had been forced to make with the Grim Reaper a couple of months ago had something to do with his stress. But truth to be told, he quite liked digging up dirt and weaknesses about the Landgraabs. It was a nice challenge, one he could do from the relative safety of his apartment. And deadlines from morally complicated godlike beings were easier to deal with when said being was polite about it. No, his stress had much more to do with the threatening phone calls and messages he had begun receiving a couple of weeks ago.

To Novak it wasn’t anything especially new, but it was still never pleasant. This time it was even less so, because it meant that he really was running out of time and the people he owed money to had finally found him. They shouldn’t have even known any of his phone numbers. His only consolation was that it wasn’t his main number, but it was still a sign that they were getting closer to him. And they weren’t the kind of people who took being owed money to very kindly.

Novak had cursed his abysmal luck many times after getting his first call. The burglary to Death’s realm and the money paid for it should have helped him make great progress in getting his massive debts paid, but then his mysterious employer had decided to betray him and leave him penniless and almost riddled with bullets. So now he was hiding from criminals and his old employers. Though again, nothing new there.

The only silver lining in his life was currently that he had actually managed to dig up something useful about the Landgraabs. Nothing to help Death – or Tad – in his search, but still something he could use. And he had been using that to devise a last resort plan for getting out of this mess. It was a risky one, desperate even. And it required asking for Death’s help. It was something Novak would rather not do. He had his pride, and turning to absurdly powerful beings for protection was usually out of the question in his book. He was a survivor, and also very much in charge of his own fate, thank you very much. Sometimes life and other people just tended to butt into his business and start making invasive suggestions about said fate.

With those disgruntled thoughts, Novak fell into restless sleep, still dressed and with his shoes on.

He woke up to one of his phones ringing.

Very reluctantly, he dragged himself up from the bed and pressed the green icon on the screen.

“What?” he asked and looked out of the window. It was still too early to be considered morning. The summer night of Bridgeport was deceptively bright, but the sun wouldn’t be properly up for a couple of hours at least.

“You didn’t think you could run from us forever, did you, Brent?” spoke a gratingly familiar voice that was at least still using one of Novak’s old aliases. Novak took some comfort in knowing that they weren’t that well onto him yet.

Still, just staying on the phone was dangerous enough. But hanging up would do no good either.

“What do you want?” Novak asked and started scanning the room for necessary items just in case. If he had to leave quickly, he couldn’t afford looking for stuff.

“You know, we’ve been pretty patient with you so far,” the voice said, “And that’s because you did a very good job at the previous gigs. You know, before you managed to somehow get that loot and that car submerged one hundred leagues under the bay.”

Novak cringed at the mention of it. It had been the start of his problems, after all.

“Yeah, yeah, I know, and I’m sorry,” he said and actually tried to sound sincere.

“In fact,” the voice went on as if Novak hadn’t said anything, “We were so impressed by your work that we’re willing to give you one more chance.”

A chance sounded good. Any lifeline sounded good, really. Still, generosity from a criminal organisation was extremely suspicious.

“And?” Novak asked.

“Here’s the deal: you’d work for us again until you’ve paid your debts. And after that… well, we can put this all behind us.”

That’s why you’ve been harassing me?”

“Well, we had to make sure you knew what refusing might lead to. You know, just in case. And hey, don’t you think some catching up is in order after you’ve been missing for such a long time?”

Novak actually laughed against the advice his survival instincts were giving him.

“Right. As tempting as getting into a slavery contract with you sounds, I have to say that I’ll pass. I’ll get you the money, and that-“

“That won’t work anymore. You’ve pissed us off way too much. It’s either this or the consequences.”

From the corridor outside his apartment, a very faint sound sneaked in. Footsteps. Confident. Swift. Most likely professional. Novak bit his lip.

“Yeah, sorry. But I’m still gonna say no,” he said, and then hung up. He crushed the phone under his foot and cursed under his breath.

He had to work quickly.

As the footsteps came closer, Novak grabbed his lightly packed backpack and shoved his laptop and remaining cell phones in it. He put on a beanie to hide his hair – he liked to live with the hope that he could keep his blue dreads a little longer; he’d just recently got them dyed – and tossed the backpack over his shoulder.

He shoved a tiny bag of spells, another pouch filled with herbs, a couple of small shiny marbles, and a jar of something shimmery into his pockets, and then opened the glass door to his balcony.

The front door to his apartment crashed open behind him. He quickly pulled out the shimmery jar and turned the lid open very carefully. He measured a small amount of pixie dust on his palm and sprinkled it on himself.

It would be enough to slow his fall, but not enough to make him sparkle. Many people tended to think that pixie dust was too unmanly for serious magic business, but they obviously didn’t know better. One just needed a bit restraint and creativity. Novak vaulted over the balcony’s railing, and let himself fall.

Despite the slightly slowed fall, the impact still rattled his joints. He fell to his knees, and felt the backpack slide from his shoulder. Before he could grab it again, someone grabbed him.

He was dragged to his feet, and a pair of strong arms wrapped around his neck, forming a very professional stranglehold. Novak barely had time to pry some breathing room for himself in order to keep his circulation from stopping. He struggled, but the man holding him was obviously strong and skilled at this.

Novak was just about to aim a vicious elbow at the man’s solar plexus, but then he noticed a pair of eyes glowing in the dark. Another man was approaching him from the front door of his apartment complex. The man was obviously a vampire, and Novak quickly concluded that the slippery bastard was probably the one who had just broken into his home. Using the stairs instead of jumping after him had probably just been to gloat how awesome super speed was.

Novak wasn’t very impressed, but he was surprised. He hadn’t known that the non-supernatural criminal organisations employed vampires too now. Well, he supposed they were more accepted here in Bridgeport. And handy to boot.

Not that it mattered. What mattered was that a man-shaped collection of mind screw, super speed, and venomous fangs was running towards him. And that said super being was relatively easy to take out with the arsenal he had with him at the moment.

Novak reluctantly let go of the man strangling him with his other hand, and inched his now free hand towards his pocket. He waited until the vampire was far too close for his liking, and then pulled out one of the marbles and broke its shell.

A violent burst of pure sunlight broke free from the miniature flashbang, making the vampire scream in mid-jump and temporarily blinding everyone in the vicinity. Everyone except Novak, who had screwed his eyes shut just in time. He heard the vampire’s skin sizzling, and then to his dismay felt a too-strong hand grabbing his arm. He quickly yanked himself free and pushed the flailing vampire off him, but felt the long, sharpened nails breaking the skin in his arm. The other man’s stranglehold had weakened when the sunlight hit, and Novak broke free of him too and spun around, delivering a hasty knee kick to the man’s face.

Normally he would have been embarrassed by the lack of finesse, but right now he was in kind of a hurry. He grabbed his backpack, ignoring the sting in his arm, and started running as fast as he could.

Well, there goes that life.

He had another backup plan before his desperate ask-Death-for-help-one. He could flee the town and lay low for a while until the gang had given up on looking for him. Or maybe he could fake his death. He’d only done that a couple of times before, and never in a very flashy way. Maybe this time some fireworks were in order. But before that he needed a way out of town, and he knew just where to find it.

He kept going until he almost ran into a vacant taxi. The outraged driver’s expression mellowed out considerably when Novak jumped in and waved a wad of cash at her. He told her to keep driving for a while. Where to, it didn’t matter.

Anywhere was better than where he was at the moment.

Author’s Note: Look who’s back? That’s right, I definitely didn’t forget about Novak! The alternative name for this chapter is: MOOD WHIPLASH! Now all we’d have needed is some random philosophical-ish discussions and this chapter would have been this story’s main themes and tones in a confused nutshell. Also my personal goals for this chapter were 1) trying to resist using too many of the tons of cute screenshots I have of Emily and the people around her and 2) NOT mentioning a certain warm beverage I really like during this chapter. Seriously, this story makes it look like I have an obsession with tea (I mean, I kind of do, but that’s besides the point somehow :P).

The Grisbys (Yvette, Walter and Laurel) are premades, and they were chosen as Emily’s foster/adoptive family because they were both nice and rich enough to accommodate some troubled children. 🙂 I like them. I confess that I did some minor tweaking to Walter and Laurel’s faces, though, mostly because at least in my game, even some of the more simple facial expressions made their faces get those lines that indicate to me that the game can’t quite handle their faces. But I tried to make the changes in the spirit of their original looks.

I know that using grammar in his sign language indicates that Tad didn’t actually do keyword signing, but he can totally do just the keywords if he wishes.

Also the reason I started getting into making some poses was because I couldn’t find enough decent hand-to-hand poses. Sure, I found some, and some were used in this chapter, but I wanted MORE! So the pic where Novak is getting strangled by the other dude is made with my own poses, and I’m pretty pleased with how they turned out, especially since I used to think pose-making was really hard. And yeah, it kind of is. Also holy smokes that random thug looks similar to the random thug in my other story! I didn’t even think about it before now.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy! Have a nice Midsummer!

PREVIOUS Chapter: Full Moon

NEXT Chapter: Dead Ends and New Leads

Crossover Time!

So I’ve been super flattered and honoured and happy these last couple of days, because the wonderful raerei asked me if she could use Tad in her awesome story, called Ghost of a Chance. It’s based on the Ambrosia Challenge, the rules of which you can find on raerei’s page, among other things. But the basic idea is to bring a ghost back to life through very specific means. It’s a really wonderful story and I now have a great excuse to advertise it here! While you’re there, check out her other stories. She has plenty of awesome stuff there!

You can find her Ambrosia-story (and her other stories) here:
Ghost of a Chance by raerei at Raerei’s Fortress

Again, thank you so much for this honour, raerei. Here’s a picture of Tad being almost happy and practising his real smiles:

Screenshot-449 (2)

Have a lovely day, everyone!

A Wild Animal Award Appeared!

Hi! I’m so happy because I got plenty of nominations for a new blogging award! You guys are so lovely! You can find the post on it on my other blog, so I won’t repeat it here. I’ll just post a link to it:

Animal Awards Everywhere!

I’ll get back to writing my stories soon. I’ve been doing some image optimising for this blog, so that has taken some time. And right now I have some technical difficulties. Meaning my computer finally died on me for reals, I think. I do have a new one already, but it’s in my hometown and I’m not. But I’ll get back to writing soon, I promise.

Have a lovely time everyone!